Note: We CAN and DO receive funds taken from the NCFlex accounts of those who use our services.
We cannot swipe your NCFlex card as payment, as our only way to take credit and debit cards is by using Paypal, which does not accept the NC Flex card.
However, we can fax your claim form (the claim form mentioned above) to NCFlex for you, along with a receipt for your services. This is a submission process similar to that we use to submit to your insurance company the charges for your services with us, so that they can pay us directly.
This is using your NCFlex account monies for payment of your copays through another process than swiping your NCFlex card at a provider's office.
Discuss with your therapist how that process of letting your NCFlex Convenience Card pay your therapy copay will work best for you.
(The NCFlex Convenience Card administrators, in their document that can be viewed here, describes the procedure for use when a provider cannot accept your NCFlex card.)
The link below opens a .pdf file that is the official NCFlex FSA Claim Form.
Open the file and print it out and fill in your name and FSA ID number as well as your address, email address, and phone numbers.
Then sign the form at the bottom. (Leave off the date for now.)
Bring this form with you to your first appointment with us.
Information for those clients
who have the NCFlex Convenience Card
that is used to pay copay charges.